You can find more projects on my GitHub, but here are some that I'm especially proud of.


Cryptbox was my Hack the North 2021 project. Over the 36-hour period, a couple of friends and I created a secure file storage system. I had taken interest in Sia (a modern, decentralized storage platform) months prior, but I noticed that it required a fair bit of experience to use, and wasn't friendly to users who were new to crypto trying to securely store files without the hassle of setting up cryptography-related things themselves. This inspired me to create Cryptbox, which uses modern cryptography to keep your files private from everyone - including the server itself - during all stages of transit. It then stores the contents using Sia as a backend, essentially creating a convenient and accessible service to new users without compromising security.

You can see the site for Cryptbox here, though, being a short 36-hour hackathon project, it is largely incomplete.


Originally known as WCICS, this project started as a website for my high school's computer science club, which I ran. Eventually, CSCenter became a larger project as a website for computer science education (specifically focusing on competitive programming), hosting lessons, practice problems, and an online grader to verify solutions. It also included organizations to support multiple clubs, with private problems, contests, announcements, lessons, and an attendance tracking system.

COVID-19 Tracking Form (RAMP)

To help my father's workplace, RAMP, track potential COVID-19 cases and distribute questionnaire forms to employees to ensure safety, I created a website to allow workers to check themselves in and fill out the questionnaire. I built an HTML form served over Flask and tracked form responses in a PostgreSQL database. The website also kept track of each employee and their activity and responses, and featured an easy-to-use interface to check the status of each employee.

JRMPC (Python simulation)

The James Robertson Memorial Programming Competition (JRMPC) is a national competition to promote Smalltalk, a dynamically-typed object-oriented programming language. The task was to program a robot to move around a board with other robots, collecting resources and accumulating the greatest score. I led my team to win first place in the competition across all of Canada.

The award ceremony was conducted virtually, and its recording is available on YouTube.